At times when I get tired of the
'deep' writing I find refuge in humor.
Funny sayings, amusing pictures, and on some
especially rainy days I even manage to pull out a humorous writing piece of my
own. Those occasions are exhilarating. If I can squeeze a chuckle from my
audience I know that as a writer 'I made it'.
I see those few pieces as my best
attempts at writing.
writing is meant to communicate ideas and feelings, the best way to be sure
that you were heard is the grin on the person across the room.
We only smile, or better yet, laugh when we
'really' get it. It is much easier to talk about feelings or describe places,
people or events but to bring into the picture a 'twist', an out of the box
point of view, and get the other side to 'see it' that in my opinion is a true
victory of language over mind.
Humor is also so culturally
dependent. I am not sure that I could see the humor in this juxtaposition if I haven’t
lived in Maine for the past few years.