Sunday, April 21, 2013

An inspiring friend

Almost at the end of this blog and I feel a little sad.

Actually there are way too many entries here and to be true to the assignment, I should go in and cut them to the 30 needed. I am not sure that I can do that. This blog accompanied me for four months now and was such a loyal friend. Whenever I needed to clarify my thoughts, get some inspiration, sort the main ideas from the ones that did not work, I used it. Whenever I got anxious, restless, uptight, unsure, lost, I used it. My usual morning writing was often done here. And at times when I had nothing much to say I just put in a quote, or a picture because let’s face it, a good quote or a clever picture are worth a thousand words....ha...ha.

So how does one abandon a friend or cut him down?

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