Saturday, February 9, 2013


"We share our essential holographic nature as fractal expressions of a field of consciousness."

I often wonder how much of my writing is influenced by the fact that there is a constant duality inside of me. I believe that when we write it is 'us' in different forms that we bring in, or use, or rely on. Our inner landscapes are a combination of memories and images and cultural roots. What happens to us as writers if those inner reservoirs that we pull from are in constant conflict and unrest. Will that make for a better writing or rather take away from the clarity.

My duality has many faces.

The physical one consist of - here versus there, or in some times there versus here. Physical landscapes that I lean on from my childhood and those that I see from my window today.

The cultural one - I realize as write that I pull from a cultural well that I inherit from my parents and their parents before them till the end of time. Ambiguous, perhaps, but in a way we all rely on our combine inner memory, collective psyche,  that goes way beyond our personal short term one.

The linguistic one - Let's face it, I am a traitor to my mother tongue and an impostor to the one I now pretend to call my own, but who am I kidding. A language is so much more than just the 'right' words put nicely together. It's the vast never ending terrain that combine it all together.

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