When much becomes too much? and the need to relay ideas and information muddies the clarity of the message.
Looking at my MG I wonder.
It is clear in my head,true, but I keep worrying about the readers. Do they get it?
So I find myself adding things,than taking them off,adding other things, taking them off. If I do it enough there comes a moment when I manage to confuse myself too.
Was the first version the best? often it is.
But the revision so important, the second look, the one I try to do thought the eyes of the readers.
And so this is how my head looks at the end of the first one or two revisions, and now I have to resort the main ideas, the important points, those that are important to me and leave the rest behind.
So hard, so painfull.
But the reward I know is somewhere at the end of the process, when the piece re-emerge, maybe shorter, minus some great thoughts, I believed where absolutely necessary but so much better.
And I can take a deep breath and walk away. Until tomorrow when I look at it again and think, maybe...
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