Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Multi -genre

Almost done with the project. At the end I had a lot that I wanted to say but it became way too long. Also it was hard to make each entry different so it will stand on its own and will have a clear statement.

Some issues regarding pulling out some older stuff (after all it all happened few years ago) using external information and the biggest issue to my surprise was the flash fiction component.

I am not a fiction writer, I knew that for awhile so no surprise there, but now facing it again as a requirement I felt resentment. Forced to do something I knew I was not good at.

That was also a double or even triple edge hurdle. The project being autobiographical in nature was calling for non-fiction material and I had lots of that to offer. When I picked homeschooling as my MG I did so because I thought that it will be interesting to put the experience in a nicely organized package. Also because it is such a rich subject. I did not think at the time that I am venturing into a group of teachers and that I might find myself treading carefully, choosing my words with care.

Well I guess I was facing what every writing student has to deal with;

Finding my own voice.

Identifying the right tone, length, color.

Dealing with the restrictions the material was posing.

Forcing myself, or being forced, into an assignment that I preferred not do.

Being true to myself yet trying not to hurt anyone.

On the bright side I had a lot of fun trying to put this project together.

The organization aspect of how to present such a large and complex issue with clarity was challenging. The visual aspects intriguing.

Collecting the material and going down memory lane was exciting and rewarding.

Knowing that at the end of the road there will be an interested audience, kept me treading along.

Seeing the final product was immensely satisfying.

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